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  1. My house is completely messed up with unnecessary stuff. I want to clear all the clutters. This guide is so helpful. I liked the idea of making sticky notes.

    1. Christene Holder says:

      Thanks Stephanie! So glad that you found it helpful. Sometimes the easiest things can help the most with something like a big organization overhaul. It really helped me figure out where all our stuff should go because I like to be able to see things in a space.
      I hope you are having a great week!

      >> Christene

  2. This organizing is absolutely mind blowing. Something really very instructive & valuable. Thanks for your lovely article. Keep going.

  3. Thank you so much for this great idea. We just moved into a new home and I have been stuck on where things should go. This really helps ????

  4. I love your idea about putting sticky notes in every part of the kitchen. Even your kids will be able to identify where they should put and get things. I’m glad for this post, so worth reading. Thank you for sharing this post.

  5. Placing the sticky notes on the cabinets first is a really great idea! I always organize my kitchen every month. I am looking for a more efficient way to organize my kitchen.

  6. “Zones help you to group items in locations where they will be used the most, or they make the most sense.” -You
    Such a simple idea, but it gave me a new perspective that really helped.

  7. I love the sticky note idea. It takes some time, but it makes everything more efficient later on. Thanks for the tip.

  8. Sandy Stricker says:

    I’m just about to start a minor kitchen remodel and ran across this idea. It’s GENIUS!!!! THank you so much

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