Discover over 100 must-have baby registry items that every new parent needs. From essentials to nice-to-haves, this comprehensive list will ensure you’re fully prepared for your baby’s arrival.
Top Baby Registry Items
Have you been trying to find a list of everything you need to put on your baby registry? Looking for the must have baby registry items?
You’re in the right place. This post is a detailed, comprehensive list of all the things you will need for your new baby and exactly what to put on your baby registry. There’s even a free printable checklist.
Are you trying to create a baby registry?
This post is filled with all of the must-have baby registry items.
Download the FREE Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable to stay organized.
It has all of the best products you’ll need for your baby registry and all the links so you can build your list quickly and easily.
Let’s create that baby registry together new mom!
This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. For more information, see my disclosures here.
What Is A Registry For Baby
A baby registry is a list of all the items you would like to either buy or receive before your baby is born. The list contains most of the items you will need for all aspects of new baby list.
A registry for a baby is used to help guests coming to a baby shower. It’s a convenient way to let your guests know which items you still need, so that they can buy you gifts that are useful.
A registry for a baby is also a very helpful organizing tool for a new mom. It will help you keep track of the things that you need. And it can help you see what items you still need after you’ve received gifts at your baby shower.
My Baby Registry Experience
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I was so excited about creating a baby registry and collecting all of the things that I needed before the baby arrived. I got started right away and tried to make a list of baby items that I needed.
I soon found out that creating a baby registry can be completely overwhelming. There are so many things out there for babies, and as a first-time mom it can be hard to know what you need.
I started by asking some of my friends who were already moms what they recommended. Some of them had a few suggested items or favorite things. But, no one really had a full list of items.
So then I turned to Google and Pinterest. I started searching for “Baby Registry Must Have Items” and “What To Put On Your Baby Registry.”
There were tons of suggestions and ideas out there. I started reading through more posts and articles than I can remember, trying to gather as much information as possible.
It was a lot of work! There was a lot of stuff. And it took me so much time. I was picking and choosing pieces from each source and creating my own list of items as I went. I did extra research and looked up reviews and suggestions on every item.
How The Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable Was Created
What I was really looking for was one giant Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable with all of the must have baby items that we needed as new parents.
I wanted someone to have all of the information laid out, organized, and explained for me. Then, I could just start adding items to my registry and feel like I was prepared and ready to become a new mom (#nestingmode).
But, that didn’t really exist. Sure there were some lists and suggestions out there. But nothing was as comprehensive and detailed as I wanted it to be.
That’s when I decided that I needed to create the Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable. I needed to create exactly what I was looking for as a new mom, so that I could help other moms who were searching around just like me.
And that’s how this blog post was born!
If you can’t already tell, I’m highly detail oriented, organized, and thorough. So when it came to preparing for a baby, I wanted to know that I had everything I needed and I was getting the best of the best stuff.
It took me forever, but I finally came up with my baby registry list, and I was pretty happy with everything that I chose. We were blessed to get many items at our baby shower, and then I ended up purchasing other items that we still needed myself.

As I experienced being a new mom, I started gathering even more must-have items. Things that I didn’t know we needed until I actually was living life with a baby. I kept a mental checklist of all of these items. I wanted to remember everything so that I could help other new moms, and moms-to-be.
Then I opened a brand new blank blog post and started unloading my mental checklist of ALL of the baby items and baby gear that I used and loved when I was a new mom.

How To Use The Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable
I want to help you, new mom! I’m pretty sure you’ve stumbled on this post because you were searching around the internet just like I was. You’re looking for that big list of everything you need.
You’re in the right place! This is this blog post!
This is probably the longest blog post on my site, but it’s also very organized, detailed, and helpful. There’s even a Table of Contents to help you navigate.
This blog post is designed to help you create a baby registry from scratch, with everything you need all in one place. There’s a printable checklist, information about each of the registries, and detailed information about everything to add to your list (with links too!).
I recommend that you bookmark or save this page so that you can always reference back. Then, scroll down, download the free Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable, and print it off to use as you create your registry.
I am so glad you are here and I hope that this post is helpful to you! Please let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, or anything else in the comments at the end of the post.
Now let’s create that baby registry new momma!
* Disclaimer 1: I like high quality things and I have expensive taste 🙂 – so a lot of the baby stuff I’ve recommended is the “nice, high-quality stuff.” There are definitely some less expensive options, but we went with the nicer stuff because we want to have more kids in the future, and we think the items will last through the years.
* Disclaimer 2: You don’t need or have to buy all of these things. And you don’t even have to get everything before the baby comes. Some items can be bought later or over time as your baby grows.
Download The Free Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist Printable
Before we get started, I want to make sure you stay super organized through this whole process. I created a printable checklist with ALL of the items in this blog post. That way you can follow along as you read the post and mark things off on the checklist as you add them to your registry.
You can get the free printable Ultimate Baby Registry Checklist below.
Best Baby Registry Websites
There are a few different baby registries out there for you to choose, and each one has different perks. The top registries are:
- Babylist
- Amazon
- Target
- BuyBuy Baby
So which one should you choose?
I recommend that you sign up for all of the different registries. That way you can get the benefits from each one.
You should choose one registry to be your “main” baby registry. This is the one that you can share with friends and family, and for your baby shower.
For the rest of the registries, just create an account, but you don’t need to add all of the registry items to those lists. You will just be using them to get additional discounts.
By signing up for a registry, you will receive completion coupons. You can redeem these coupons during a specified timeframe before your baby arrives, and then after your due date. These coupons will give you a discount on items that remain on your registry. You can also add items at any time and then use the completion coupons to get a discount.
For example, when the timeframe for the completion coupon was available for my Amazon baby registry, I added our stroller to the registry list. I was then able to get a discount and purchase the stroller myself.
If you sign up for all of the different baby registries, then you can use all of the different completion coupons to pick up items that you might not have received at your shower, or things you that might need later.
Click on the tabs below to learn about each of the different baby registry options.
Sign up for a Babylist Registry HERE.
I used Babylist as my main baby registry list.
Babylist is a universal registry, which means you can add items from any store, or even link existing registries from other stores. Everything will be under one organized list. It’s so easy and convenient to have everything in one big list, and it makes keeping track of things so much easier too.
When you sign up, you can add the Babylist Button to your internet browser. It works like the Pinterest pin it button, and lets you quickly add items from around the web to your registry list. They also have a great app that’s so easy to use! I used it all of the time to add items to my registry wherever I was (like when I was up late browsing my phone in bed).
One of the perks of Babylist is you can get a Hello Baby Box, filled with gifts and samples of baby products.
How to Get the Hello Baby Box
- Create a Babylist Baby Registry
- Add 3 items from the Babylist store
- Add 3 items from other stores
- Make a $10 purchase from the Babylist store (This can be made by you or it can be an item purchased off your registry by a gift giver)
- Claim your Hello Baby Box and pay $5.99 + tax for shipping
Completion Coupon – Babylist will give you a 15% off coupon 60 days before your due date to use at the Babylist store.
Sign up for an Amazon Registry HERE.
Amazon is one of the most popular baby registries out there. You can find just about everything on Amazon! Amazon is also a universal registry, meaning you can add items from other sites to your list.
I found their registry website to be a little clunky. The Babylist website was so much more organized. But, there are some amazing benefits that Amazon offers that you will definitely want to take advantage of.
One benefit that Amazon offers is a diaper discount. You can get 20% off of diaper purchases for a year. To get this discount, you need to have purchased or received over $500 worth of items from your Amazon registry. I purchased some big ticket items that we needed from Amazon after our baby shower, which then made me eligible for the diaper discount. There’s more details about this discount here. Another perk is the ability to add gift cards to your registry on Amazon.
You can also get a free Welcome Kit, filled with gifts and samples of baby products.
How to Get the Welcome Kit
- Create an Amazon Baby Registry
- Complete the registry checklist recommended by Amazon
- Be a Prime member, or sign up for your free 30-day Prime membership
- Purchase a registry item from your list for $10
- Claim your free baby Welcome Box!
Important: The price will be $35! But once you add it to your cart and checkout, you’ll see a little box for a $35 credit to click, making it free.
Completion Coupon – Amazon will give you a 15% off coupon if you are a Prime member, or a 10% off coupon if you aren’t a Prime member. There’s a lot of details about how and when you can use this coupon here.
Sign up for a Target Registry HERE.
Target is another popular baby registry. I am a huge Target fan! Target is also a universal registry, meaning you can add items from other sites to your list.
Again, I didn’t love their website as much as the Babylist one. But, there are some amazing benefits that Target offers that you will definitely want to take advantage of.
One benefit that Target offers is a year of exclusive deals through Target Circle. By having a registry, your Target Circle account will get personalized coupon deals that you can use to get items for your baby.
You can also get a free Welcome Kit, filled with gifts and samples of baby products. It also has additional coupons! PS: There’s a Starbucks coupon in there too!
How to Get the Welcome Kit
- Create a Target Baby Registry
- Head to your nearest Target store
- Stop by Guest Services, and they will give you the Welcome Kit!
Completion Coupon – Target will give you a 15% off coupon 8 weeks before your due date.
BuyBuy Baby
Sign up for a BuyBuy Baby Registry HERE.
BuyBuy Baby is another popular baby registry. This store isn’t as widespread as Target, so there might not be a physical location near you to check out. The closest one to me was a 2 hour drive. This registry is also not a universal registry, so you can only add items from the BuyBuy Baby store.
There are some great benefits to having a BuyBuy Baby registry that you can take advantage of.
One benefit that BuyBuy Baby offers is a year of free shipping. To get this discount, you need to have purchased or received over $1500 worth of items from your BuyBuy Baby registry, which is a pretty high threshold. But, they do sell nursery furniture, so that might be a good option for you.
You can also get a free Goody Bag, filled with gifts and samples of baby products. It also has additional coupons!
Unfortunately, it’s only available in stores. So if you don’t have a BuyBuy Baby close to you, you might not be able to get the free bag.
How to Get the Goody Bag
- Create a BuyBuy Baby Registry
- Head to your nearest BuyBuy Baby store
- Stop by Customer Services, and they will give you the Goody Bag!
Completion Coupon – BuyBuy Baby will give you a 15% off coupon to use on remaining registry items.
Baby Registry Must-Haves
Now, let’s get into all of the must have items and details for your baby registry.
I’ve organized everything into major categories, which you can also use to create categories within your registry for people to browse through.
I also included some information about exactly why I like and recommend each item and what I used it for. Hopefully this will help you get an idea if the item is something you want to add to your list.
Nursery & Sleeping
- Glider – This is the glider chair that I got for Nova’s nursery. I loved this chair for nursing! It was super comfortable and had a recliner so that I could lay close to flat if I wanted to rest for a while. It was also very deep, which was perfect because I could curl up in it, and Ben (who is 6’2″) could fit comfortably in it. It’s so important to go and try out different chairs in the stores to see which one you like the best.
- Bassinet – For the first 6 months, Nova slept in a bassinet in our room. This bassinet was made to fit next to your bed but I never used it that way. I was really nervous I would throw a pillow over on top of the baby. So instead, I just kept it across the room to be safe. But if you want the baby to be closer to you, it’s made to fit right up against the side of your bed as a safe place for the baby to sleep.
- Crib – After 6 months, Nova transitioned out of the bassinet and into a crib in her nursery. I wanted a simple crib with a modern shape to fit with the design of her nursery. I love the design and simplicity of this crib! It also transitions into a toddler bed.
- Crib Mattress – There are thousands of suggestions about which crib mattresses are the best. I had such a hard time choosing one because they all seemed to be the same and also SUPER expensive. I found this mattress, and it was perfect for us. It’s nice and firm but comfortable. And it’s also very inexpensive and affordable.
- Bassinet Sheets – This set of 3 sheets was perfect for the bassinet. I liked having extras so I could easily swap them out if Nova spit up or if one needed to be washed. I also loved the cute leaves pattern.
- Crib Sheets – I really love the Pottery Barn crib sheets. They are kind of expensive but I feel like they were worth it because they feel nice and high quality. They also wash so well, and always feel like they are brand new. I have 4 different crib sheets that I rotate on her bed – 2 lightweight and 2 fleece/ heavier weight.
- Waterproof Mattress Protectors – This set of 2 mattress protectors is essential to protect the mattress from diaper leaks and spit up. Having a set of 2 allows you to keep one in rotation at all times. I always have one underneath Nova’s sheets on the bed and one being washed.
- Sound Machine – We used this sound machine every night for Nova. It’s so nice to have a sound machine because you don’t have to live in silence while the baby is sleeping. The sound machine masks normal daily life noises so the baby won’t wake up. Also, it apparently reminds them of the sounds of the womb, and babies are really comfortable with white noise. This specific sound machine has an app, so you can control it from another room. You can also set a schedule for when it should turn on and off.
- Baby Monitor – This baby monitor wasn’t too expensive compared to a lot of other models, but works really well. There’s so many different ones out there it’s hard to know which one to pick, but I liked this one.
- Humidifier – We used this humidifier in the winter to keep the room from getting super dry at night. It also helped so that she didn’t get too congested at night.
- Security Blanket – Nova always liked blankets but they aren’t safe to let your baby sleep with because it’s a suffocation risk. My friend suggested these small security blankets because her girls loved them. These are great because they are thin and breathable. We gave her this blanket when she was around 6 months old and she loves it. The set of 2 is awesome because I can keep one in rotation and wash the other. We have a pink one, but they make lots of different ones. Nova still loves her little security blanket at night.
- Sleep Sack Wrap/Swaddle – The sleep class that I took (Taking Cara Babies) recommended using a swaddle sleepsack when the baby is still a newborn. This keeps them swaddled and contained at night so that they don’t startle themselves awake. We used this every night with Nova until she was about 10 weeks old and started wiggling her hands out of the swaddle. I would recommend getting one of these in whichever weight is best for the season your baby is born in – fleece for colder months and cotton for warmer months. We skipped the newborn size and just got the size small, which worked great.
- Sleep Sack Sleeveless – After Nova started wiggling her hands out of the swaddle sleepsack, we transitioned to the wearable blanket versions. This type of sleepsack is designed to keep the baby cozy at night without having to sleep with an actual blanket. I would recommend getting at least two of these. Having a set of 2 allows you to keep one in rotation at all times. I always have one for sleeping on the bed and one being washed.
- Sleep Sack Long Sleeve – In the winter, we used the long sleeve sleepsacks for extra warmth. I would recommend getting at least two of these. Having a set of 2 allows you to keep one in rotation at all times. I always have one for sleeping on the bed and one being washed.
- Swaddle Blanket – I loved these swaddle blankets from Copper Pearl. They are super soft and stretchy. And they come in so many pretty designs. I used one for my pregnancy announcement and then again in the hospital for Nova’s newborn photos. Get at least one of these! It’s just nice as a wrap or blanket for when the baby is little.
- Laundry Bin – You’ll probably need some sort of bin to collect all of the baby laundry. I needed something small to fit in Nova’s nursery, and this laundry bin was the perfect solution. It even fits in her closet if we wanted to tuck it away out of sight.
- Nighttime Balm – Nova had eczema on her face and just dry spots in general when she was a newborn. I used this balm on her face every night before bed and it was great. It became part of our nightly bedtime routine.
- Disposable Diapers – My go-to brand of diapers is Pamper’s Swaddlers. The hospital had these diapers, and we just stuck with them. I love them! There are lots of different brands out there to try, so test them out and see what works best for your baby. I don’t have any experience with cloth diapers.
- Wipes – I went with Pampers wipes to match the diapers, but all wipes are pretty much the same. I liked these sensitive ones because they didn’t have any scents or perfumes.
- Diaper Cream – There are lots of different diaper cream brands. We ended up using lots of diaper cream for diaper rash and the price of these little tubes added up fast. Some of the name brands can be $5 each! I found this Target brand diaper cream to be a great alternative and it’s almost half the price. We go through this stuff so fast.
- Changing Pad – We got this changing pad from Little Tykes. It’s so hard to find now, so I added some alternative options. The original one is gray and all rubber and I love it because I can rinse it off or wipe it down easily. I don’t have to mess with the fabric ones and washing the covers. It’s pricier for sure than a basic fabric changing pad, but I love it!
- Wipes Dispenser – It’s so helpful to have a wipes dispenser in your main diaper changing location. I kept this one on top of Nova’s changing table dresser for easy access. It has a weighted part inside that helps you just pull out one or two wipes at a time. It’s so handy when you are trying to hold a baby still and grab a wipe for a diaper change.
- Diaper Cream Paddle – This seems like a weird item, but I love this thing! Diaper cream is sticky and gets all over your hands. But using this paddle keeps the diaper cream off your hands, and it makes it easier to apply to specific locations. I have a full size paddle and a travel size one for my diaper bag.
- Diaper Genie – I think the Diaper Genie is a must-have nursery item. But some people have really strong opinions against them. Yes, they can be smelly, but in general, they keep the smelly diapers contained and the smell minimized. It’s also so easy and convenient to throw the diapers away right next to the changing area and keep the smelliness contained to one spot. I have also heard great things about the Ubbi Diaper Pail – which is another option.
- Diaper Genie Filters – There’s a spot in the lid of the Diaper Genie for these carbon filters. Just switch them out every so often and it will help minimize the smell.
- Inexpensive Refills – Diaper Genie makes their own refills, but I found these generic Amazon brand refills to work just as well. They are a lot cheaper!
- Diaper Caddy – When Nova was a newborn, and didn’t wiggle around as much, I used to change in in different areas of the house besides her nursery. I setup a portable diaper changing “station” in our living room using this caddy and kept it on the main level of our home. I stocked it with a changing pad, diapers, wipes, diaper cream, and a diaper cream paddle. It was so nice to have a portable diaper changing caddy so that I didn’t have to go upstairs every time I needed to change her.
- Car Diaper Caddy – I also had a diaper changing caddy in the car for on the go supplies. I bought this soft sided caddy and it’s perfect to keep right under her carseat on the floor of the car. This caddy is also a great general diaper caddy for around the house.
- Wet Bags – Wet bags are so helpful to keep in your diaper bag. I got this set, and I keep one in my diaper bag so that I have a place to put dirty diapers if there’s no trash location nearby. I also use them if Nova has an accident and I have a bunch of dirty clothes. Anything messy will just get thrown directly into the wet bag. Then when I get home I’ll throw the entire thing in the washing machine.
- Boppy Pillow – I loved using the Boppy pillow for nursing. This nursing pillow made holding the baby up and positioning her so much easier.
- Boppy Waterproof Cover – I put this waterproof cover on the Boppy pillow and then I put a normal cover over that. This helped to keep the pillow protected from milk and spit up.
- Boppy Pillow Covers – I got this set of 2 covers for the Boppy pillow. Having a set of 2 allows you to keep one in rotation at all times. I always have one on the pillow and one being washed.
- Burp Cloths – Babies spit up a lot more than I realized. We used these ALL THE TIME when Nova was little. Whenever we put her down anywhere, I put a burp cloth under her head in case she spit up. I would register for a few sets of these and also buy them whenever you see them on clearance (Target always has these on clearance). It’s handy to have a bunch around.
- Tiny Mini Fridge – This may seem like an odd item, but for me it was awesome! I ended up buying this tiny mini fridge at 3 AM one night after I finished pumping because I was tired of taking breast milk up and down the stairs to the fridge in the kitchen. It works really well for being so small. We kept it in our bedroom and I stored pumped milk in there. Then we just grabbed the milk out when she was ready to eat – no trip to the kitchen needed.
- Milk Saver – This milk saver was so handy for nursing. When you are nursing, the other side that’s not in use will leak milk. It can be frustrating to feel like you’re just losing or wasting breast milk. So this sits inside your bra and collects that milk while the baby is nursing. Once you’re done, you can just pour it into a pumping bag or bottle and save it for a feeding.
- Nursing Pads – If you are nursing you are going to leak milk. I did especially at night. So I wore these nursing pads inside my bra for probably the first 6 months. They are super convenient since they are disposable.
- Nipple Cream – This nipple cream is helpful for nursing to prevent dryness and soreness. I would recommend getting a few nipple creams to try out.
- Baby Bottles – Once Nova started drinking formula, we used these bottles. I really liked their design because they were simple and easy to clean. There’s only 4 parts to each bottle – the base, the nipple, the attachment ring, and the lid. I recommend choosing a simple, easy to clean bottle because you have to clean them a lot!
- Bottle Warmer – I used the Kiinde bottle warmer from the Kiinde feeding system. I will explain all about this system in the post “The Best Breastfeeding and Pumping Essentials.” But, if you don’t get the Kiinde bottle warmer or use that system, this warmer is a great option for bottle feeding.
- High Chair – We don’t have a huge house, so we got this smaller high chair that attaches to a regular chair. We really like it! It’s also easy to travel with or bring to someone else’s house. It’s a great thing to have as an alternative to a large high chair.
- Hanging High Chair – We also got this hanging high chair and attached it to our island. A lot of the time Nova will eat meals there. But I also use it to contain her. She can hang out and watch while I’m cooking or cleaning the kitchen.
- Bowls – Once Nova started eating solid foods, we used these bowls. They suction to most surfaces so that the baby can’t throw them across the room.
- Plates – We also love these suction plates. The dividers are nice to offer Nova different food options at each meal.
- Spoons – I used these spoons when Nova was first eating purees. They turn white if the food is too hot to eat, which is very helpful.
- Snack Containers – I love these snack containers for on the go snacking. I will fill it with puffs or Cheerios and Nova can snack in the car or in her stroller.
- Pouch Tops – Puree food pouches are so easy and convenient for feeding. But once Nova was independent enough to hold the pouch herself, it became really messy. She would squeeze the pouch too much and get food everywhere. These lids attach to any pouch and are an easy way for kids to eat on their own. The valve allows food to go through when they suck on the top. But they can’t squeeze the food out and spill it everywhere. These are a must-have item!
- Mini Popsicle Molds – I used these molds when I was making my own baby food purees. They make great baby food portions for freezing. Once she was older, I used them to make baby popsicles with fruit purees.
- Straw Cups – When Nova started drinking water, we used these straw cups. Thankfully, she learned how to use a straw fairly quickly. These are really affordable and a great option for kids drinks.
- Water Bottle – For on the go hydration, I bought Nova this Yeti water bottle. It’s easy to keep in the car or take with us wherever we go. And it’s insulated so her water stays nice and cold.
- Bibs – When Nova started eating purees, I used plain cotton bibs a lot. Once she transitioned to more foods, I used the silicone bibs more. They help to catch food instead of having it drop to the floor. If we are having a particularly messy food or dinner (like spaghetti) I will use the waterproof smock bibs.
- Drying Rack – This drying rack is useful for hand-washing items like bottles or breast pump parts. I liked the white version because it was neutral and more minimal looking.
- Drying Rack Accessories – This tree accessory attaches to the drying rack. I used it to hang dry small things like pacifiers and pump parts. Some moms like to use this to let bottle parts cool off after using a bottle sterilizer.
- Dishwasher Container – I used this container in our old dishwasher to hold all of the small pump parts and bottle parts. Once we got our new dishwasher, I didn’t need it anymore because we have a top rack zone specifically designed for washing small things. So it just depends on your dish washer if you need this.
- Bottle Brush – It’s nice to have a bottle brush for hand-washing bottles and cups.
Bath Time
- Bath Seat – This infant seat holds the baby in the bath so you can easily contain them and wash them. We used this for a really long time, until Nova could sit up on her own in the bath tub.
- Bath Gear Set – I didn’t get this entire set, but it would make a great registry gift. I ended up receiving the different parts separately. The knee pad and arm rest are so helpful because you are leaning over the tub a lot during baths. The scoop is perfect for pouring water on the baby. The only thing we don’t have is the spout cover.
- Bath Soap – I used this foaming bath soap when Nova was an infant. It’s gentle and also fragrance free. Perfect for little babies.
- Bath Soap – This is the soap we use now. I love the smell of this body wash! It has a nice, clean fresh smell and works really well on her skin and hair.
- Washcloths – I have a bunch of these washcloths to use for bath time. They are helpful for lathering up soap especially when the baby is really little.
- Hooded Bath Towels – I liked the bath towels with hoods when Nova was an infant. It helped to keep her head covered and warm so she wasn’t totally freezing getting out of her baby bath.
Playtime & Awake Time
- Play Yard/ Travel Bassinet – We loved this play yard and used it for both awake playtime and as a travel bassinet and bed. This pack n play from 4moms is really nice and high-quality, but it is also very HEAVY. The benefit of this design is that it’s super easy to setup and take down. Also, I think it looks nice being just black and modern.
- Dockatot – Everyone told me that the Dockatot was a glorified and expensive pillow. But I really wanted to get it, and I’m glad I did.
I liked using it when Nova was really young for sleeping around the house. It was an easy place to have her lay down and nap during the day. Overall, the Dockatot is just a good place to put them that’s safe and portable around the house.
You aren’t supposed to use it for night time sleep (don’t put it inside the bassinet). But it’s fine for the baby to sleep in when you are supervising them and awake.
- Newborn Lounger – This lounger was another helpful place to set Nova down on when she was an infant. It’s soft, cozy, and helps them to sit up just a little at an angle. I used this a lot around our house so I could prop her up and she could see what was going on. It’s just handy to have when the baby is really little.
- Bumbo Seat – Once Nova could hold her head up, we started using this seat around the house. It’s more of an upright seat and a good place to contain them.
- Bouncer Seat – This seat was another handy place to set the baby down in around the house. It bounces on its own, so it’s really nice for babies who like movement and to be rocked a little. I would set it up in our bathroom in the morning so Nova could watch me while I was getting ready.
- Sit-Up Seat – This seat is another place to contain the baby around the house. Before Nova could move around on or sit up on her own, I found it very helpful to have lots of seats for her that she could be propped up in. We used this seat when she was a little older and was almost sitting up on her own. It comes with some toys to keep them entertained and is a great play location. It also folds completely flat for travel or storage.
- Swing – I liked having a swing in our house when Nova was a baby. Lots of babies love to swing or be rocked. Nova for some reason didn’t really love the swing, but that’s ok. It’s another good place to put them down and some babies will even nap for a little while in the swing.
- Play Gym – A play gym is a great registry gift. They make lots of different types of these, but I personally like this fish one. Before Nova could roll or anything, she liked sitting in here and playing with the hanging toys. It’s soft and cozy for them to lay on or for tummy time.
- Jumperoo – We got one of these Jumperoo contraptions as a hand me down. Yes, it’s large, obnoxious, and kind of an eyesore, but Nova loved it! She would jump and bounce in this thing like crazy. It’s a great way to contain them once they start crawling around.
- Play Table – This play table was one of Nova’s favorites for a long time. Before she was standing, we removed the legs and set it on the ground. Once she could stand up, she could pull herself up and stand next to it and play.
Healthcare and First Aid Kit
- Vitamin D Drops – When babies breastfeed, you’re supposed to give them vitamin D drops. These are the ones I used.
- Rectal Thermometer – Baby temperatures have to be taken rectally. This thermometer is the one we got and we really like it.
- Forehead Thermometer – Once they are older, you can take their temperature on their forehead. This is the forehead thermometer that we got.
- Brush and Comb Set – It’s nice to have a brush and comb set for brushing baby hair once they have it.
- Baby Nail Clippers – Baby nails get super long and sharp. These nail clippers are a little easier to hold than regular clippers. But in general, clipping baby nails is nerve wracking.
- Nose Frida – This device helps you get snot out of the baby’s nose. It looks gross and kind of weird, but it’s also really helpful. We didn’t end up using ours much, but it was helpful a few times.
- Nose and Ear Cleaner – I used this little device more to get snot out of her nose or wax out of her ears safely.
On The Go
- Infant Car Seat – I really liked the UPPAbaby Mesa car seat. It’s nice, high-quality, and just feels good to use. The base is easy to install in the car and it’s simple to just snap the seat in and then unlatch it to get out. The shade on the top also feels very high quality and doesn’t get stuck or out of place.
I wanted the carseat from the same brand as the stroller so that they worked together. Since they were the same brand (UPPAbaby), the infant car seat snaps directly into the stroller frame. It’s so nice and easy to use. There’s no fussing around or trying to get things to attach.
- Travel Stroller – Strollers can be an expensive item, but if you choose a nice one, the price is worth it! We picked the UPPAbaby Cruz stroller. Just like the UPPAbaby car seat, it’s a nice, high-quality stroller that just feels good to use. It’s smaller than the Vista model and that was one of the main selling points for me. I didn’t want something that was way too big and bulky. The Cruz stroller also used to fit in my Honda Civic trunk, so if you have a smaller car it should fit no problem.
The stroller is a modular design, so the Mesa car seat can snap directly into the stroller. Once the baby is bigger, they can use the larger seat that comes with it. The larger seat is also modular, so it can face either direction. I love how easy and simple to use this stroller is. There aren’t tons of parts, levers, flaps, or other things. It’s just a simple frame with modular attachment points and a large storage basket. It’s the perfect, high-quality investment stroller.
The UPPAbaby Vista stroller is larger and has the ability to convert into a two-seater stroller in the future if you want. You can also get it as a bundle with the bassinet attachment. If you think you will want a double stroller sooner rather than later, the Vista might be a good option for you.
You can buy the UPPAbaby bassinet attachment separately and it will fit on either stroller. We didn’t buy the bassinet attachment because Nova was born in the winter and we didn’t take a lot of walks outside when she was still an infant. But if you have a summer baby and plan out being outside a lot, the bassinet attachment might be really helpful.
- Convertible Car Seat – This is the car seat that we transitioned Nova into once she outgrew her infant seat. She grew too tall and outgrew it faster than we were expecting.
The convertible car seat can technically be used from birth. But the con is that you can’t take it completely out of the car and carry the baby around like you can with the infant car seat.
I chose the Nuna brand because I wanted a nice, high-quality seat that will last for years and for future kids too. Right now Nova is facing backwards, but the seat will transition to facing forward as she gets older.
- Stroller Caddy – This caddy attaches to the stroller so you can keep a drink, or your phone, or other stuff handy. The only on is that it’s not really attached to anything – it’s just velcro’d to the handle. So, it tends to slips down the handles sometimes. But in general I like it for extra storage.
- Car Mirror – This mirror is so nice to have in the car. It attaches to the seat headrest and allows to you see the baby in. your rear view mirror while they are facing backwards.
- Stroller Fan – In the warmer months it gets hot in the stroller. I noticed that whenever Nova was in the stroller for a long period of time when it’s warm out she would get all sweaty. I got this fan to help keep Nova cool on walks or anytime we were using the stroller.
- Car Seat Cover – I loved these car seat covers in the colder months. They help to keep the baby covered from wind, rain, and other weather. I had a winter baby so this was really helpful. But also keeps people from touching the baby or breathing on them when they are super little (germs in general). There’s lots of different patterns and styles on Amazon. You can also use these as nursing covers.
- Solly Baby Wrap – Everyone told me this wrap was the best thing ever for baby wearing. It liked it, but Nova was not a baby who liked to be in a wrap. So I barely used it. I hope my next baby likes it because it’s nice to keep the baby wrapped to you and you can be hands free.
- Ergo Embrace – Nova liked this baby carrier better when she was little.
- Ergo 360 – This is the carrier we have now. It’s so convenient to take the baby places hands free, or without a stroller. It’s perfect for hikes or places you can’t take the stroller.
- Diaper Bag Backpack – This is the diaper bag that I choose. I wanted a backpack so I could be hands-free. And I also wanted something that didn’t really look like a “diaper bag.” I liked the Freshly Picked bags in general, and they have lots of different styles. This is a good registry gift too!
- Larger Diaper Bag Backpack – I also have this diaper bag backpack too. It’s nice if we are going on a longer trip or need to bring extra things.
Pacifiers & Teethers
- Infant Pacifiers – You’ll get a few of these pacifiers in the hospital. But, it’s nice to have a few extras. Nova liked them when she was super little. They were the only size that fit her mouth when she was first born.
- Wubbanub – This is a cute pacifier holder for the infant style pacifiers. They come with one attached and I don’t think you can swap them out. They helped keep the pacifier on the baby so it doesn’t fall away. Nova also loved to hold onto the Wubbanub.
- Pacifiers – These are the pacifiers that we used after Nova outgrew the infant pacifiers. I liked them because they were cute and came in different colors. But you might have to see what your baby likes. I think I registered for a set of 2 and then once I confirmed that she liked them, I bought more.
- Pacifier Clips – These are for clipping the pacifier to the baby so that they don’t lose them or throw them on the ground. I also used these pacifier clips to attach toys to Nova’s stroller so she wouldn’t drop them or lose them. They make tons of different versions of these, but the braided ones are my favorites.
- Teethers – Nova started to like these teethers one she actually got teeth. I also got this cactus teether set for Nova and she loves them. You can freeze them and they feel good on their gums. This giraffe teether is also really cute, and is a registry staple. I always see it on go-to registry item lists.
Toys & Accessories
- Dimpl Toy – Nova loves this Dimpl toy! It’s very satisfying to play with.
- Suction Cup Loop Toys – She also loves these suction cup toys. They seem lame, like they are just suction cups. But for some reason babies are obsessed with them. They were a top toy when she was learning to grasp things.
- Loopy Colorful Rattle – This rattle toy was also a big hit. All of the loops are easy for babies to grab and hold. It’s also easy to attach to a stroller with the pacifier clip.
- Baby Book – I love this modern baby book! It’s simple and neutral inside so it works for both genders. I bought it on my own to use for Nova. It makes a great baby registry item or baby shower gift.
Baby Clothes
You may not want to register for a lot of clothes because it’s almost guaranteed you’ll get some cute outfits at your baby shower. But, it’s nice to add a few items that you really want.
There are a few clothing items that were my favorites and would be great additions to your registry.
- Pajamas – I loved these pajamas – especially during the early months. They have a zipper that starts at their feet and zips up. It’s so nice for changing the baby in the middle of the night. You can just unzip from the bottom and avoid having to completely undress the baby, because that makes them cold!
They are also such a good price! Since you get either 3 or 6 per pack, they come to around $4 each, which is a great deal for pajamas. We used these pajamas until Nova outgrew the largest size, which is 6-9 months. I was so sad when she outgrew them and I wish they made them in larger sizes.
When looking for clothing in general, I recommend that you stick with zippers for as much as you can. It’s so much easier than buttons – especially for pajamas.
- Onesies – It’s always nice to have a set of basic onesies. They are perfect to have around as a change of clothes. Whenever Nova grows into a new size range, I always buy one set of plain white onesies.
- Cozy One Piece – This was one of my favorite one piece outfits when Nova was a newborn. It’s super soft and cozy. It works as pajamas or for just laying around the house. It also comes in a few different colors.
- Cozy Pants – These pants were great basic newborn pants. They are soft, and good quality.
- Zip Up – In the colder months, it’s nice to have some layers for the baby. These zip ups are perfect and cozy! Also, the zipper is plastic, so there’s no pinching or hard edges.
- Socks – I loved these socks. They stay on so well! There are also grips on the bottom to help them once they start standing up and trying to walk.
- Wrap Booties – For winter babies, wrap booties are a must. They stay on their feet and act like cozy winter boots. They also look adorable. We brought a pair for Nova to wear home from the hospital.
- Tights – For little girls in the colder months, it’s nice to have a set of neutral tights. I used these all the time under dresses or onesies to keep Nova nice and cozy.
- Bows – It’s so fun to have hair bows for little girls. These sets from Amazon were a great value and go with lots of different outfits.
- Bow Hats – When Nova was a newborn, I liked to put these hats on her to keep her warm. She was a winter baby, so bow hats were warmer than the bow headbands.
Are You Still With Me?
Well, this was a LONG blog post, but I really hope that it was helpful to you as you create your own baby registry. I tried to focus on the items that we used and loved for our baby girl Nova.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below in the comments. Or if you have any other items that you found for your baby and absolutely love, please share below. I want this post to be a huge resource to all moms with plenty of ideas.
I’m so excited for you to have a new baby join your family! And I hope that this list and the printable checklist help you feel as prepared and organized as possible as a first-time parent.